The popular coach helps ladies to unleash their energy and to prosper

Being a woman has always been a privilege – and a challenge. Society's requirements and expectations from a woman are many and, in our busy world, striving for perfection can cause severe anxiety and lack of purpose among women.
Аnjela Kenanska is here to help women from all walks of life to discover their balance, inner peace – and to grow into better versions of themselves.
Based in Bulgaria and Austria, Аnjela Kenanska is an innovative entrepreneur, international women coach, motivational speaker and business constellator with over 17 years of experience. She has created programmes for fast transformation for women with applied metaphysics, NLP, coaching and alternative therapy methods, and teaches in Bulgaria and abroad to an international audience. Her achievements have brought her scores of international awards for development of female consciousness, including from the International Association of Female Coaches and Therapists. Аnjela Kenanska has also created the innovative Academy and Festival Za Jenata (For the Lady).
How did you discover that your vocation was to help other women to be successful and in harmony with themselves?
I welcome every lady into the new day, just like life had been doing the same for billions of years. Twenty-three years ago I was the assistant of a respected German alternative therapist and physician. In our work, I saw the wide range of emotional problems that women suffered. The experiences of these ladies inspired and motivated me to develop projects that effectively re-programme a given story and turn it into a resource for conscious (subconscious, unconscious) evolution. This is what I and every woman share – the life in our DNA. Our success depends on how we use life.
What are the most common obstacles to happiness and realisation that modern women experience?
A woman is the comprehensive image of herself that she creates through the biochemical processes in her body. The biggest obstacles to her are linked to inner needs from her childhood, restrictive beliefs, such as "I do not deserve" and "I cannot afford this," and the relations with the mother. 99% of a woman's world is programmed by a single individual – her mother. Can you remember what your mother's face expressed when you were a little girl? Was she happy or sad? Now look at yourself in the mirror. What is your expression? Do you find differences/similarities? What you see is the expression of the Mother imprinted on your face. You can change it anytime. The successful woman has grown up among a happy female team of mother, grandmothers, aunts. She produces plenty of happiness hormones. This sets her from an early age for a successful future.

How can you help women?
When a lady comes to me, first I listen carefully to her story. Then we together set a goal for the meeting. The wisdom of "help" is in unlocking the life power of the other by taking care to understand what is important for them. During events we always start with the Card of Values, then the type of the family environment and parents, because they precondition whether we are going to be healthy, successful and rich or sick, unrealised, dependent or poor. We analyse possible restricting beliefs, actions and traumas, and then we create an action plan for the client. This is a process that we realise consciously and gradually with the help of female coaching, applied metaphysics, innovative constellations, biodecodification (DNA decoding) and ancient practices (if needed). I believe that everyone is at their rightful place in their life and that their story is a lesson for the next generations.
How did you win the award Business Lady of the Year in the category "Innovative festivals and seminars for ladies"?
This award is the result of my work in the past couple of years. During the ceremony I was also awarded the only Diamond of the Evening. I was nominated by a professional jury and the founders of Ladies Club Business on High Heels and Club Young Ladies in Business, Iva Vladimirova and Emona Karagyozova, for my professional achievements in female personal growth: my authors and innovative projects – live and online events. All participants were distinguished both in Bulgaria and abroad. This award motivated me to grow and evolve even more. It is a responsibility. I promise more awards.

Summer retreat
What is the concept of the Za Jenata Festival?
Za Jenata Festival unites ladies from all over Bulgaria and the world in a cosy online space. There, they offer innovative and motivational lectures that help women to build a new model of behaviour and value system. I select and invite successful Bulgarian lecturers from Spain, Germany, the USA, Greece and other countries that create and share authors' innovative programmes. Our audience is from all over the world and usually seek a solution to a particular problem or want to learn more about themselves. The process of woman-building is neverending, has many stages and endless possibilities for growth. In nature, all that evolves creates life. This is the goal of Za Jenata Festival – to create new life.
For whom is Za Jenata Academy?
Za Jenata Academy is for all women over 30 years of age, including psychologists, consultants and personal growth trainors, life coaches, business coaches, doctors, alternative therapists, masseurs, entrepreneurs, health experts who want to continue their personal growth in a different way. The Academy family counts over 1,500 women that support one another and continue to learn with wisdom and inspiration. The programme has 4 educational packages with diverse modules and educational programmes, and a flexible approach that meets the clients' requirements in our innovative and modern digital age.
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