I have just been to sign for my electricity supply in the Svilengrad office where they would only register the account in my company name, which means I pay the business tariff rate: however the water company accepted me as a private account.

What (if any) are the guidelines on this? I have been told that the electricity companies are now supposed to offer “domestic” tariffs to UK owners. Could you please help to clarify the legality of this. Also, my December bill seems excessive to me – what can I do, if anything, about it?

Susanna Mitchell, Svilengrad

: The Svilengrad branch of EVN, the electricity supply company, said they register clients' accounts depending on their ownership status. Ownership is evidenced by the deeds – so if your deeds carry a company name, they open a business account, and if the deeds carry an individual person's name, they open a private account. The water company in Svilengrad is more flexible – they will register you as a private account even if your property is company-owned, provided you state that you will be only using the water for domestic purposes. Being private companies, the two utilities decide on their own individual policies, which are valid for Bulgarian citizens and foreigners alike.

If you find your electricity bill to be excessive, compare consumption figures on your paper bill to those in the meter. The latter should be larger, if the opposite is the case, you're being cheated. If so, address the local branch of the electricity supply company, they are supposed to do an internal investigation based on your complaint.


I do not understand the meaning of the “inverted” section of VAGABOND. What do you achieve by printing a few inverted pages of the magazine?

Nevena Stoynova, Sofia

VAGABOND: INVERTED pages? Anyone see any inverted pages in this magazine?


Your article entitled “About-Face” is wonderful as it is very creative and illustrative. It provides a really in-depth explanation of discrimination against women. Please, accept the compliments of the whole team of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee.

Daniela Furtunova, Sofia


Is Vagabond available at kiosks or is it exclusively subscription only?

VAGABOND: This magazine has never been subscription only, but do note that we now offer free 12-month subscriptions both in Bulgaria and abroad.


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As a long-term subscriber to Vagabond it is my pleasure to introduce to you my latest book, Why I Love Bulgaria that was published a month ago by Kibea publishers in Sofia. Until the beginning of this year I lived in Bulgaria.

Dear Vagabond,
I was invited to offer my perspective on Poets & Writers as well as the wider world of literary magazines, and for six days I got to know some extremely talented writers from Bulgaria, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States while
I enjoyed your photos of Sofia under snow (no snow in Berlin, alas), the impressive research on Kolyu Ficheto (I had seen some of his work
During the past seven years I have been taking tours into the Rila and Pirin mountains using snowmobiles, Rangerovers and off-road buggies.

The source used by myself in the Encyclopaedia of Islam to which I am a contributor is a short remark by Rupert Furneaux in his The Siege of Plevna, Anthony Blond publishers, London,1958.
Too many liberals in older EU member states, for example, fail to understand the insecurity and anxieties of ordinary people (particularly in these times of crisis and cutbacks), and too many venal politicians and shoddy journalists understand these all too
RE: What I have learnt for five years in Bulgaria, Vagabond No 47-48
We rented a car and after a considerable amount of beach-hunting (all of them seem to have beach umbrellas and plastic chairs installed), we settled at a relatively empty beach near the oil terminal in Rosenets (beautiful views of a small island called, I a
After working long hours and munching on supermarket salad for three evenings while slaving away on the computer until the wee hours, I decided to go out and treat myself to a dinner.
This is the first time that I read such a clever and sharp article in Bulgaria. So thank you for that.
I would be interested in hearing your opinion. I think that some feedback (in this case from a reader of a book published by yourselves) makes sense, and it is this idea that prompted me to contact you.