There’s someone you have not yet met:
He wears three mittens in crimson red.
His furry coat – so soft it feels;
his socks have holes on all five heels.
He’s always hiding in the pantry;
details of his life are scanty.
In the dark he quietly moves,
munching on some sugar cubes
and frolicking in secrecy
when no one else is there to see.
A tiny cockroach he has tamed;
this land of jars he has reclaimed,
and he is the lonely lord
to all that people here have stored --
tins and cans, and last year's jams;
salt and pepper, weighed in grams.
Yet, Monstie’s feeling so alone
that he makes friends with all that’s known.
“I know my looks are rare and odd --
no other peas here in my pod…
In the mirror I can see
no one's quite the same as me:
my eyes, my horns, even my ears,
and this spot on my wing here…
A funny sight, without regret,
is my solitary silhouette.
I live with stuff that never talks.
They never get outside their box.
I have no one to give a cuddle,
or help get stuff into a muddle…
I don’t know what there is to do.
Well, can’t I… split myself in two!?
This is really no great riddle -
I’ll simply split right down the middle!
I mean that in the literal sense.
My happiness will be immense!
Will that cause me any pain?
No, that just brings a glorious gain --
in no time, I’ll have a brother!
Matching halves for one another,
we’ll play together on the beach,
and scratch our backs then, each to each.
The roach will be, without much fuss,
a dear pet to both of us.”
He thought that would be really neat,
so he stomped hard all five feet,
blinked all eight eyes,
clapped three hands twice,
and yanking on each floppy ear,
he spun around and then - Oh, dear!
Before he could collect his wits,
his body split up in two bits.
He sat then hushed and very still,
awaiting news – a quiet thrill.
First, there was silence – not a sound,
then pitter patter all around.
Were those footsteps? He peeked and said,
“Who are you, and have we met?
You look familiar but… you’re new.”
“A little monster, just like you!
Here’s some cake to have for tea,
as it’s a special day for me.
Some birthday cake for us to share.”
“You…and me! Well, grab a chair!
I won’t be lonely anymore!
Let’s then share this cake of yours.
I’ll also bring two cups of tea.”
Now these two monsters we can see
together sneezing by the spice rack,
and nibbling sugar for a snack.
Side by side, they swirl and twirl,
no more alone in this wide world.
In February 2024, the Elizabeth Kostova Foundation launched an open call for English-speaking translators to join the inaugural edition of the Bulgarian to English Literary Translation Academy. The Academy was designed to connect experienced translators with emerging talents in literary translation, fostering the growth of a new generation skilled in bringing contemporary Bulgarian literature to English-speaking audiences. Over a six-month period, mentors Angela Rodel, Ekaterina Petrova, Izidora Angel, and Traci Speed guided three mentees each, working across genres including fiction, children’s literature, and poetry. By the program’s end, participants had developed substantial translated excerpts to present to publishers, authors, and partners, and to use in applying for translation grants, residencies, and other professional development opportunities. The Academy has also enabled contemporary Bulgarian authors to have significant portions of their work translated, which they can present to literary agents, international publishers, and in applications for global programs. You can find more information about the Academy participants here. The Academy is made possible through the support of the National Culture Fund under the Creation 2023 program and in partnership with Vagabond magazine.
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