The power of the subconscious should not be underestimated – it can sabotage our mental wellbeing or improve it tremendously

As an experienced regression therapist, Emanoela Smilova knows this truth perfectly well and is prepared to help us understand our subconscious and have happy, productive lives free from emotional blockages. Emanoela believes that the answers to all questions regarding our happiness are hidden in ourselves – we just need professional support in this journey. An author of a book, My Universe and I, that collects her journeys to her Self, she is ready to guide us, too, towards inner harmony with the methods of regression therapy.
What should we know about regression therapy?
Time is relative; past, present and future exist simultaneously in our minds. We remember happy moments from our childhood, imagine our future selves and fantasize on changing our life's journey, we are tormented by thoughts from our past, repeat conversations and situations involving relatives and friends that were left unspoken or unfinished, and we suffer from the realisation that we did not have the time for proper closure or to finish. Regression is an opportunity to return to any moment in our past via our mind, to see the situation in question, to say what was left unspoken, to observe what we have forgotten and then to continue healed with our life. Everything that the mind needs is simply to remember something before continuing forward, to connect all the dots – and the subconscious is helping in solving this task. As a result, the person becomes calmer, realises what they lack in their lives, understands the situation and continues forward on their journey towards realisation of everything they have dreamed about.
Regression is a great journey towards ourselves, to our subconscious. There we can find all the answers that we seek, connect to our Self, forgive ourselves, and remove the emotional baggage that we carry from our past into our present and future. Regression therapy is a marvellous method to discover and believe in our capabilities to create the world that we want, to love ourselves and see our endless potential, to free ourselves from the fear that is blocking us and to realise that nothing is impossible. We create the world that we want.
What results can we expect from regression therapy?
The results are individual. Having expectations beforehand is counterproductive as this can lead to disappointment. The subconscious will provide as much information as you are prepared to digest. It is a process. Regression is a skill to communicate with ourselves and our subconsciousness. Just like driving a car or riding a bike, it takes time and patience, and requires a desire to learn. With regression, one needs some time to adjust to the instructions needed for the process. The most important thing is the internal motivation and the belief that everything will happen in the best possible way.
Just like seeds need water, time and care to grow and blossom into plants, people need to be motivated to start working on themselves and the particular problem. The results will come with time. Having a positive mindset and allowing more positive thoughts in our everyday life. Believing in our intuition that it will always guide us in the best direction.
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