Krasimira Panovska, manager, on the exceptional recreational facility

PinusVillas is a recreational compound in Yarema locality, 27 kms away from Sofia centre, on the old road to Samokov. Located at altitude of 1,300 m, it is practically at the foot of the Vitosha, in an area of abundant fresh air smelling of pines, far from the urban noise, pollution and vanity.
PinusVillas offers accommodation in four 2-storey chalets with unique architecture and their own spa facilities, an exquisite restaurant and conference room. Krasimira Panovska, manager of PinusVillas, reveals more about this exceptional place.
What does individual spa experience look like at PinusVillas?
Each villa has its own outdoor hot tub that can be used year round. One of the villas has a classical sauna for 4 people, and the rest of them have a cedar phyto barrel for individual use. This is a true rarity in Bulgaria!
Only villas’ guests can use the spa amenities and enjoy their health benefits in peace, on their own terms.
What is the phyto barrel?
The cedar phyto barrel looks like an ordinary wooden cask with doors. Inside is a bench where the user sits throughout the procedure. Their head is outside the barrel while their body from the neck down is exposed to hot steam enriched with herbs. The steam does not affect the blood vessels in the head.
The hot steam opens all the pores and the sweat releases all the toxins that have accumulated in their body providing an in depth cleansing on a cellular level. As a result, the metabolism improves, the body organs start working properly and the skin gets younger.
This is achieved thanks to the phytoncides in cedar wood that eliminate or deactivate microorganism growth, and the herbal mixtures that are added to the barrel. The mixtures are selected depending on the desired goals of the procedure: improving of the general health, relaxation and anti-stress, boosting the immunity, antiparasitic, antimycotic or anticellulite effect, etc. The neural and blood system, and the muscular tissues are also positively affected.
What options for active recreation do we have at PinusVillas?
Spa relaxation, clean mountain air and quality food do not exhaust the options for PinusVillas guests. The compound has its own mountain bikes that can be used for free. Around the compound there are several horse riding facilities with professional instructors offering rides to beginners and advanced. PinusVillas is a mapped area used for sport orientation competitions, guests can explore it safely with the help of the professional trainers we partner with.

Can I offer my employees a taste of the PinusVillas experience?
For employees, we have prepared special corporate packages that focus on health and prophylaxis. Guests arriving as a part of a corporate contract can benefit from the therapeutic effect of the cedar phyto barrels, and choose from the different herbal mixtures that fit best their individual needs. PinusVillas also has a fully equipped conference room and optical Internet connection that covers the whole compound.
Zheleznitsa village, Yarema locality
booking: +359 884 78 25 47
reception: +359 882 92 85 80
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