What unites the many patients that have been treated by Dr Evelina Perchinska during her long career?

They are of all ages and suffer from different diseases and conditions, but they are all satisfied with the treatment's result.
Dr Evelina Perchinska is the manager of Dental Clinic Eurovita.
Dental Clinic Eurovita offers dental services in fields such as aesthetic dentistry, surgery, orthodontics and comprehensive care for people of all ages, and is one of the best equipped practices in Sofia and Bulgaria. The dental clinic's activities are organised in a way that creates comfort and convenience for all patients. All the information relevant to the treatment's success is provided to the patient timely and in great detail allowing for them to make informed decisions about their dental procedures. Everything is carefully planned and the implementation is professional and painless.

Dr Perchinska started her professional career as a specialist in children's dentistry and surgery. Eventually, she got interested in orthodontics and implantology. After rigorous certification courses at established institions in Italy, Monaco, Switzerland, Germany and the US, she became one of Bulgaria's leading implantologists, orthodontists, aesthetic dentists and dental surgeons.
The smiles of Dr Perchinska's patients are the best recommendation of her professionalism.
Sofia, 72 Okolovrasten Pat (Ringroad), Tsarsko Selo, phone: 088 493 3400
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